
Pittsylvania County Deputy Clerk Kaylyn McCluster was named Clerk of the Year by the Virginia Municipal Clerks Association during its annual conference in Charlottesville.


The award was based on a nomination process of clerks throughout Virginia and is considered a great honor. The award reflects McCluster’s dedication, hard work and commitment to the community. Her family and supervisor were present at the conference for the award presentation.


“The Board congratulates Kaylyn for this well-deserved award, as it speaks volumes about the important role she plays within the County. We have found that Kaylyn not only performs any task put before her to the best of her abilities, but she is known to extend herself beyond the call of duty to help those who need assistance. The Board is proud of Kaylyn’s accomplishment, and it only reinforces what we already know – that she is a highly talented and capable member of the organization and the County as a whole,” said Darrell Dalton, Chairman, Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors.


McCluster provides direct support to the Board of Supervisors as well as the County Administrator as part of her many duties. She has served Pittsylvania County for 12 years.

“Kaylyn does a tremendous job supporting the Board of Supervisors, but her role within the organization extends far beyond the monthly meetings. Kaylyn regularly assists other Boards, Committees, Commissions, and departments within the County as well as meetings and events. Her wealth of institutional knowledge is an invaluable asset to the organization and her professionalism and positivity has an enormous impact on the County as a whole. We’re very proud of Kaylyn and are grateful to the Virginia Municipal Clerks Association for awarding her this honor,” Dave Arnold, Assistant County Administrator.


“I am deeply humbled and honored to accept the Virginia Clerk of the Year award. Serving Pittsylvania County for the past 12 years has been an absolute privilege, and receiving this recognition is truly heartwarming. I am thankful for the opportunity to make a difference and contribute to the betterment of our beautiful County that I also call home. This award is not just a reflection of my efforts, but also of the support and collaboration of those around me, and together we continue to strive for excellence within the County. Thank you for this incredible honor and I will continue to uphold the highest standards of excellence in my role as the Deputy Clerk for Pittsylvania County,” McCluster said.


Organized in 1977, the Virginia Municipal Clerks Association (VMCA) is an organization dedicated to promoting the interests of municipal clerks. The Association promotes professional development through continuing education and networking opportunities. Its objectives are to promote education and certification of Municipal Clerks, promote better municipal government, increase efficiency of municipal clerk operations, be alert and responsive to federal, state, and local legislation which impacts the clerk’s office, and educate the public and colleagues regarding the role of the Municipal Clerk.

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