Remember cracking open that VHS case to watch a delightful movie…only to be freaked out by one particular part that you carried with you well into adulthood? Listen to Ginyah and Josh share the movie moments that have still stuck with them throughout the years…and see if there are any you would’ve added!

Impulse Purchase Are a Thing!

bought something on a whim and probably regretted but its always fun! This week’s Off Air Flare Ginyah and Josh discuss their transgressions....

Methods of Communication

Hey Guys! Sorry for the delay it has been absolutely crazy around here! In this episode Ginyah and Josh get into methods of communication and our evolution from when they were kids....

What’s for breakfast?

Josh and Ginyah take a look at the most important meal of the day and how some folks address it. Yes or no? Sweet or Salty? Check out where they stand!...