Remember cracking open that VHS case to watch a delightful movie…only to be freaked out by one particular part that you carried with you well into adulthood? Listen to Ginyah and Josh share the movie moments that have still stuck with them throughout the years…and see if there are any you would’ve added!

Debating Chocolate

Now that Valentine’s is behind us the question now which chocolate is the best?  Seems fitting right??...

What Size Straight Jacket Do You Need?

If you woke up in an insane asylum how would you convince the doctors you aren’t insane?  Ginyah and Josh discuss their plans check it out!     What do you see in these pictures?   #OffAirFlare...

Would You Rather?????

Life is full of tough decisions…so why not throw out some ridiculous options? Ginyah and Josh play a random game of “Would You Rather?” with each other.  See if you agree, disagree or are just plan disgusted...